- ACS Publications
Journals, books, product information (LabGuide), Graduate School Finder, and ACS job bank. Current table of contents for most of the ACS journals as well as instructions for authors. Provides free access for limited time to Journal of the American Chemical Society and The Journal of Organic Chemistry.
- Molecules: Journal of Synthetic Organic and Natural Product Chemistry
Electronic journal.
- Chemistry and Industry
The electronic version of this publication.
- PubMed, National Library of Science
A search service to access the 9 million citations in MEDLINE and Pre-Medline and participating online journals.
- New England Journal of Medicine
Online text of current issue, ability to search past issues, Medline links, collections of articles of this prestigious journal.
- Cambridge University Chemical Laboritory Journals
A comprehensive list of journals in chemistry.
Organizations and Meetings
- American Chemical Society Home Page
Features ChemCenter, which includes links to many professional organizations, ACS journal information, access to U.S. Patents STN information, and electronic directories (including Graduate School Finder and Chemcyclopedia); meetings, newsletters, conferences, career services, grants, the ACS Job Bank, and ACS Meeting information.
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Information on what chemical engineers do (see What are Chemical Engineers?), how to pursue a career in engineering, etc.
- Alpha Chi Sigma Chemistry Fraternity
News, information, discussion and chat groups, links to chemical information.
Publications, account profiles, etc. for a major provider of insurance, annuities, and equities for the academic professional.
Publisher Chemistry Sites