Wired Chemist
As the title of our web site implies, we believe that the world of electronic media and resources has much to offer the student of chemistry. We hope that you will enjoy our various features such as pedagogical animations, an introduction to chemistry, modules on important topics in chemistry, demonstrations of laboratory techniques, NMR spectral data and problems, and so on. All of these are designed to help students learn chemistry and to provide professionals with information of value.
This section contains tutorials, discussions, drills, and data designed primarily for the undergraduate student of chemistry. One section contains animations, demonstrations, and additional questions designed for the text Chemistry by Yoder, Retterer, Thomsen, and Hess. For more information, please use the contact form.
A number of laboratory projects developed at Franklin and Marshall College are presented, along with a discussion of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill written by Phyllis Leber. Links are given to other interesting sites.
In this section you will find animations designed to illustrate the symmetry of various minerals at the atomic level. We hope that you are sufficiently intrigued by the various types of symmetry that solids exhibit to buy our text Ionic Compounds: Applications of Chemistry to Mineralogy. There are also links to a variety of sites that offer minerals for sale, including our own CrystalHabits.
The NMR division contains a compilation of NMR spectra and problems as well as an extensive bibliography of literature in NMR spectroscopy.